Walk your way to better health

Can you walk your way to better health?  Is taking your dog for a walk every day good for your health?
Walking for Heart Health
According to an article in NPR,even moderate-intensity walking can be as effective as running in terms of reducing one’s risk for high blood pressure, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.  So many people think exercise has to be going to the gym, jogging, participating in a sport like basketball.  All these are great activities but going for a walk also has health benefits. The American Heart Association notes, “walking is one of the simplest ways to get active and stay active”.  The organization recommends 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise like walking.  But it doesn’t have to be done all at once.  No time for a long walk, then “even 10-minute activity sessions can be added up over the week”.  
The President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition has some suggestions for adding more steps to your day

  •  Walk and Talk with a friend – instead of instant messaging or a phone call to keep up with friends, go for a walk together.  My daughter has a friend that she walks with each week to catch up and to get in a good walk. 
Walk With A Friend
  • Park Far Away – my car is always parked far from the entrance.  A former student stopped me recently and asked me, “Guess where I parked?”  I looked puzzled and he said, “Far away from the door. You taught us to park far away.” 
  • Walk At Your Kid’s Sporting Event – As your son or daughter is playing soccer, baseball, walk up and down the field and get some steps in.
  • Get Off the Bus or Subway Early – Walk the last few blocks to your destination
  • Take a Walk Break Instead of a Coffee Break – take a few minutes to walk outside – take your coffee or bottled water with you.
Take a Walk Break
  • Walk the Golf Course Instead Of Using A Cart – walk instead of ride.
Walk the Golf Course

Take your dog for a walk to improve your health
Have a dog?  Taking that dog for a walk not only can improve your dog’s health but also your physical and mental health. 
  •  Older adults who take their dog for a walk every day, walk about 22 minutes more a day than those who don’t take a dog on a daily outing.  According to a study done in Scotland.  And those who were walking a dog, usually kept a pretty good pace and walked briskly.  This helped get their heart rate up.
  •  Boosting Your Mental Health – according to Psychology Today, being outdoors, especially in parks or on trails, can boost your mood.  According to Linda Andrews, “..by taking your dog for a walk, you may be boosting your own health and happiness.”
  • Walking Your Dog Gets You Outside:  You get more fresh air and sun.  Along with sun comes vitamin D.  So many Americans are low in “D”.  If more Americans took their dogs for a walk every day, they would get more vitamin D in their day.
Ziggy enjoying the sun
Now that cooler weather is here, it is a great time to go for a walk.  And if you have a dog, the whole family can take the dog for a walk each day.


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